

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Always getting ready

Linda has a story that an Inui describes their life as always getting ready. It does seem so. There are big occasions planned for the weekend. Firstly as Trent is also visiting Homer after his Iditarod success, Linda and Al are hosting a huge pot luck dinner. I think current numbers are up to 25 guests in their kitchen. It will be a great night.

Secondly, we are going camping on the trail. Organising food, bedding, transport, clothing for 5 people and 10 dogs is a mission. Wall tent, camp stove, straw, paraffin, cook pot, dog bowls, harnesses, drop line wire, anchors, sleeping bags, water, cook pot for human goes on. We're heading in to town today, to pick up Trent and all the supplies needed for Friday and Saturday night.

30F this morning at 7.30am. It is too warm, thaw is coming fast. I hope the snow holds out a little longer. This melt is going to lead to ice and very fast, out of control trail.

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