

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Camping out under Supermoon after a night.

I can feel the heat from the fire and sunset on my face. It feels good with the weathering on my cheeks already from the day. Sobaka's ears are responding to my voice. Muktuk is focused on defeathering her gull wing.

This cabin occupies one of my favourite hideaways (Summerville, Bonavista Bay). 

Muktuk working on her dried up gull wing.

Being here calms me. I've really done nothing all day but more than that, I haven't felt bad about it, or indeed, has my mind been racing with anything. Finally it all switched off. All computation quelled and it was peaceful. Nature can do that to me better than any yoga, 5 star hotel or massage. In a landscape this big and beautiful I can afford to let everything go. So I spent the day admiring the many wildflowers that abound: blue flag iris, purple vetch, pink lady's slipper. I smell young pine needs and warm sap in the early heat of summer. White woodland anemones carpet the forest and blueberry bushes are filled with little white, waxy bells. Everything is vigorous just now, even the warm wind and moon.

Sobaka shaking out after yet another swim for a stick.
Red and green for Christmas. No wonder. 

Tonight is supermoon. It is 14% larger than any other time of year and it feels right to sleep on the ground underneath it.

The fragile intricacies of flag iris.

I hope I always return to this. A fire, a greater fire of a sunset, the deep fresh air of the ocean and a night listening for whales. I can be. No thinking, no trying, no reflecting, just happy existence.

Heat from the fire, sunset and sunkissed skin. 

Nature's composition.

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